Publications & Presentations


Schwarz, A. L., Gonzales, M. D., Melamed, T. C., & Abdi, H. (2024). How do speech language pathologists use the Schwarz et al.(2015) rubric for read-aloud storybook selection?. Speech, Language and Hearing, 1-17.

Gonzales, M. D., Schwarz, A. L., Nguyen, Q., Gragera, A., Yang, J., & Resendiz, M. D. (Accepted / In Press). A Guide for Bilingual Speech-Language Pathologists: Selection of Storybooks for Extemporaneous Interpretation. Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech.

Hendrick, R., Irani, F., Schwarz, A. L., & Azios, M. (2023). Personal factors and the overall variability of stuttering. Perspectives of ASHA Special Interest Groups SIG 4 Fluency and Fluency. Published.

Perez, E., Sajan Varghese, M., & Schwarz, A. L. (2023). A decision support system for selecting augmentative and alternative communication devices. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Schwarz, A. L., Jurica, M., Matson, C., Stiller, R., Webb-Culver, T., & Abdi, H. (2022). How do teachers of deaf prereaders communicating in American Sign Language select storybooks for read alouds? American Annals of the Deaf, 166(4).

Schwarz, A. L., Jurica, M., Matson, C., Stiller, R., Webb-Culver, T., & Abdi, H. (2022). How do teachers of deaf prereaders communicating in American Sign Language select storybooks for read alouds? American Annals of the Deaf, 166(4).

Schwarz, A. L., & Galemore, E. (2021, October). [Review of the book Auditory disorders in the classroom: A guide for speech language pathologists, audiologists and educators. Deafness & Education International. Sage.

Schwarz, A. L., Resendiz, M. D., Herrera, L. C., & Gonzales, M. D. (2021). A novel approach to assessing language proficiency in adults: A pre-pilot classification accuracy study. International Journal of Bilingualism, 25(3), 812–832.

Gonzales, M. D., Nguyen, Q., Schwarz, A. L., Resendiz, M. D., Gragera, A., Nguyen, T. M., … Palafox, P. (2020). Curl your tongue seven times before you speak: Translating English storybooks read aloud in Vietnamese. Journal of the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing, 16(1), 68–77.

Chakraborty, R., Schwarz, A. L., & Vaughan, P. (2019). Speech language pathologists’ perception of non-native accent: A pilot survey. Perspectives Special Interest Group 17, 1-11.

Chakraborty, R., & Schwarz, A. L. (2019). Accent bias, ethnocentrism, law, and ASHA. California Speech and Hearing Association Magazine, 10–13.

Schwarz, A. L., & Perez, C. (2019). Chapter 3: Normal speech-language development. In Overview of communication disorders: Including culturally and linguistically diverse content and perspectives. Matthews, N.C.: Kona Publishing & Media Group.

Schwarz, A. L., Jurica, M., Matson, C., Stiller, R., Webb-Culver, T., & Abdi, H. (2019). Storybook selection system for teachers who use English when reading aloud to d/Deaf-and-hard-of-hearing prereaders. Deafness & Education International. Published. Retrieved from

Schwarz, A. L., Guajardo, J., & Hart, R. (2018). How do communication modes of d/Deaf-and-hard-of-hearing prereaders influence the amount of storybook text teachers report reading during read alouds? Deafness and Education International. Published.

Schwarz, A. L., Guajardo, J., & Hart, R. (2017). How do communication modes of d/Deaf-and-hard-of-hearing prereaders influence teachers’ read-aloud goals? Deafness & Education International, 19, 115–125.

Chakraborty, R., Schwarz, A. L., & Chakraborty, P. (2017). Perception of nonnative accent: A cross-sectional perspective pilot study. International Journal of Society, Culture, & Language. Published. Retrieved from

Schwarz, A. L., Resendiz, M. D., Hervey, J., Matson, C., & Breon, K. (2017). How do language experience and processing speed influence the acquisition of narrow phonetic transcription? ECHO: Journal of the National Black Association for Speech – Language and Hearing, 12(1), 22–50. Retrieved from

Schwarz, A. L., Gonzales, M. D., Resendiz, M. D., & Abdi, H. (2017). Factors influencing book-sharing practices of Spanish-English bilingual speech-language pathologists targeting academic language in preschoolers. ECHO: Journal of the National Black Association for Speech – Language and Hearing. Published.

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., Maguire, M., & Abdi, H. (2016). Do acting out verbs with dolls and comparison learning between scenes boost toddlers’ verb comprehension? Journal of Child Language, 1–15.

Resendiz, M. D., Bedore, L., L. M., Pena, E. D., Fiestas, C., Gonzales, M. D., & Schwarz, A. L. (2016). Linguistic trade-offs after short-term narrative intervention. Journal of the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing, 12(1), 53 to 61.

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., Beaton, D., Horne, E., MacKenzie, H., & Abdi, H. (2015). A read-aloud storybook selection system for prereaders at the preschool language level: A pilot study. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 58, 1273–1291.

Van Kleeck, A., Lange, A., & Schwarz, A. L. (2011). The effects of race and maternal education level on children’s retells of the Renfrew Bus Story – North American Edition. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 54, 1546–1561.

Van Kleeck, A., & Schwarz, A. L. (2011). Making “academic talk” explicit: Research directions for fostering classroom discourse skills in children from nonmainstream cultures. Revue Suisse Des Sciences de l’Éducation, 33(1), 1–18.

Van Kleeck, A., Schwarz, A. L., Fey, M., Kaiser, A., Miller, J., & Weitzman, E. (2010). Should we use telegraphic or grammatical input in the early stages of language development with children who have language impairments? A meta-analysis of the research and expert opinion. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 19(1), 3–21.


Sajan Varghese, M., Perez, E., & Schwarz, A. L. (2019). A Decision Support Framework for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device Selection. The Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference (IISE).

Sajan Varghese, M., Perez, E., & Schwarz, A. L. (2019). A Systems Engineering Approach to Designing a Mobile Assessment Clinic for Patients in Need of Assistive Technology. The Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference (IISE).


Sajan Varghese, M., Perez, E., Schwarz, A. L., “A Systems Engineering Approach to Designing a Mobile Assessment Clinic for Patients in Need of Assistive Technology,” Institute of Industrial Engineering, Orlando, FL. (May 21, 2019).

Sajan Varghese, M., Perez, E., Schwarz, A. L., “A Decision Support Framework for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device Selection,” Institute of Industrial Engineering, Orlando, FL. (May 20, 2019).

Sajan Varghese, M., Perez, E., Schwarz, A. L., “A Decision Support System for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device Selection,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. (November 4, 2018).

van Kleeck, A., Schwarz, A. L., “Strategies for creating pragmatically appropriate preschool language assessment and intervention contexts,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Denver, CO, United States. (November 2015).

van Kleeck, A., Schwarz, A. L., Miller, J., Fey, M., Kaiser, A., Weitzman, E., “Using telegraphic speech in language therapy: Views from the experts, panel discussion,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA, United States. (November 2007).


Schwarz, A.L., 2024 Dean’s Seminar, “Exploration of Caregiver Attitudes Towards Persons with Language Disorders, TXST College of Health Professions, Round Rock, TX (April 11, 2024)

Schwarz, A. L., 2023 Spring Development Foundation Board – Dr. Damphousse’s Briefing, “The Forgotten Patient: Caregivers Participating in Parent-Implemented Language Interventions,” TXST University Advancement, Round Rock, TX. (January 27, 2023).


Melamed, T., Schwarz, A.L., “Attitudes towards persons with autism spectrum disorder: Validation of a multidimensional scale,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle, WA, United States, In-Person. (December 2024)

Santos, T., Schwarz, A.L., Uy, M., Richter, A. Stroke education of patients with an without aphasia: The role of information structure. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle, WA, United States, Virtual. (December 2024)

Schwarz, A.L., Melamed, T., Bowers, J., Perez, C., Abdi, H., “Parents’ attitudes towards persons with language disorders: Validation of a multidimensional scale,” Symposium of Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI (May 2024)

Gonzales, M.D., Nguyen, Q., Schwarz, A.L., Gragera, A., Resendiz, M. D., Yang, J. “A Self-Assessment Tool: Engaging in Real-Time Translation of Storybooks. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA, United States, Virtual. (November 2022)

Hendrick, R., Irani, F., Schwarz, A. L., Azios, M., “Week-To-Week Stuttering Variability,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Virtual. (November 2021).

Schwarz, A. L., Hajek, K., Karmann, K., McDaniel, E., Parsons, A., White, B., Wygrys, A., & Abdi, H. “How consistent are SLPs at applying a book selection system to 63 storybooks without training?,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL, United States. (November 23, 2019).

Schwarz, A. L., Gonzalez-Moreno, J., Fridley, S., Hendrick, R., Hill, J., Lillie, N., Rodriguez, E., & Abdi, H. “What biases do graduate students hold?,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL, United States. (November 20, 2019).

Flores, I., Simmons, H., Wallace, T., Schwarz, A. L., Resendiz, M. D., Perez, C. T., Ninth International Research Conference for Graduate Students, “Variation in low frequency vocabulary word choice in English-Spanish bilinguals,” Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States. (November 7, 2017).

Chakraborty, R., Schwarz, A. L., “SLPs’ perception of non-native accent: A pilot survey,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA, United States. (November 17, 2018).

Nguyen, T. M., Nguyen, Q., Schwarz, A. L., Resendiz, M. D., Gonzales, M. D., “How do proficient and less proficient bilingual English-Vietnamese adults differ in their translations of English children’s storybooks?,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA, United States. (November 16, 2018).

Herrera, L., Resendiz, M. D., Schwarz, A. L., Gonzales, M. D., “Pre-accuracy study of a self-report proficiency assessment for Spanish-English bilingual speakers,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA, United States. (November 15, 2018).

Herrera, L, Resendiz, M. D., Schwarz, A. L., Gonzales, M. D., Tenth International Research Conference for Graduate Students, “Pre-Accuracy Study of a Self-Report Proficiency Assessment for Spanish-English Bilingual Speakers,” LBJ Student Center Ballroom, San Marcos, TX, United States. (November 13, 2018).

Schwarz, A. L., Guajardo, J., Hart, R., “Are there group differences in how teachers of the deaf read books aloud to prereaders?,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA, United States. (November 2017).

Schwarz, A. L., Jurica, M., Matson, C., Stiller, R., Webb-Culver, T., Abdi, H., “Evidence-based read-aloud book selection system based on the expertise of teachers of the deaf who use American Sign Language,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, United States. (November 2017).

Schwarz, A. L., Jurica, M., Matson, C., Stiller, R., Webb-Culver, T., Abdi, H., “Evidence-based read-aloud book selection system based on the expertise of teachers of the deaf who use English,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, United States. (November 2017).

Schwarz, A. L., Guajardo, J., Hart, R., “How do language and modality influence the goals of teachers of the d/Deaf-and-hard-of-hearing who serve prereaders?,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA, United States. (November 2017).

Schwarz, A. L., Gonzales, M. D., Resendiz, M. D., Abdi, H., “Reported book-sharing practices of Spanish-English speech-language pathologists who target academic language in preschoolers,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA, United States. (November 2017).

Jurica, M., Schwarz, A. L., “The use of telehealth for assessment and intervention of pediatric speech sound disorders: A narrative review,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA, United States. (November 2017).

Schwarz, A. L., Jurica, M., Matson, C., Stiller, R., Webb-Culver, T., Abdi, H., “Evidence-based read-aloud book selection system based on the expertise of teachers of the deaf who use American Sign Language,” CHP Dean’s Research Forum, San Marcos, TX, United States. (April 2017).

Schwarz, A. L., Jurica, M., Matson, C., Stiller, R., Webb-Culver, T., Abdi, H., “Evidence-based read-aloud book selection system based on the expertise of teachers of the deaf who use English,” CHP Dean’s Research Forum, San Marcos, TX, United States. (April 2017).

Schwarz, A. L., Guajardo, J., Hart, R., “How do language and modality influence the goals of teachers of the d/Deaf-and-hard-of-hearing who serve prereaders?,” CHP Dean’s Research Forum, San Marcos, TX, United States. (April 2017).

Schwarz, A. L., Guajardo, J., Hart, R., “How do language and modality influence the read-aloud behaviors of teachers of d/Deaf & hard-of-hearing prereaders?,” CHP Dean’s Research Forum, San Marcos, United States. (April 2017).

Jurica, M., Schwarz, A. L., “The use of telehealth for assessment and intervention of pediatric speech sound disorders: A narrative review,” CHP Dean’s Research Forum, San Marcos, TX, United States. (April 2017).

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., Krishnan, A., Gold, L., Abdi, H., “Re-conceiving single-case design meta-analyses so they can inform a student’s IEP: A model,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (November 2016).

Schwarz, A. L., Maria, R. D., Belasco, E., Hervey, J., Matson, C., Breon, K., “How does bilingualism affect phonetic transcription of non-disordered and disordered speech?,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Denver, CO, United States. (November 2015).

Schwarz, A. L., Gonzales, M. D., Lytle, L., Williams, A., Taylor, K., Precup, K., Abdi, H., “Student clinicians’ sub-domain knowledge filters their interpretation of reading theories,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Denver, CO, United States. (November 2015).

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., Maguire, M., Abdi, H., “Will embodied cognition and comparison learning increase focused stimulations’ effectiveness for verb learning in toddlers?,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Denver, CO, United States. (November 2015).

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., Beaton, D., Horne, E., MacKenzie, H., Abdi, H., “Capturing decision-making: SLPs’ criteria for selecting preschool read-aloud storybooks,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA, United States. (November 2012).

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., “Creating pragmatically appropriate contexts for eliciting early semantic relations,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA, United States. (November 2012).

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., Krishnan, A., Abdi, H., “Single-case design systematic reviews: Integrating effect size & visual analysis,” Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Atlanta, GA, United States. (November 2012).

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., “A rubric for analyzing the effects of single-case design studies: A systematic review of early word combination treatment studies as an example,” Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI, United States. (June 2010).

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., “Vertical structuring of semantic relations using storybooks: A single-case design,” Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI, United States. (June 2010).

Schwarz, A. L., van Kleeck, A., “Meta-Analysis: Should we use telegraphic or grammatical input with children in early language development who have language impairments?,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA, United States. (November 2009).

van Kleeck, A., Schwarz, A. L., “Testing comprehension theory via preschoolers’ story retells in question/no-question conditions,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA, United States. (November 2009).